Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Corporate Social Responsiblity and Wal-Mart

Corporate Social Responsibility and Wal-Mart Corporations deal with a wide variety of social issues and problems; some directly related to their operations, some are not. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be defined as â€Å"the actions of an organization that are targeted toward achieving a social benefit over and above maximizing profits for its shareholders and meeting all its legal obligations† (Ghillyer 78). If this is the case, establishing appropriate and practical ethical guidelines in the workplace seems to be a reasonable request as a basis for corporate operations. Wal-Mart should be an example in determining what constitutes the values associated with its fundamental purpose of Corporate Social Responsibility. The four components of CSR are financial, legal, ethical, and philanthropic (Barnett). These areas of CSR ought to exist within every company’s infrastructure; however, the organization’s primary focus is usually on performance and profit not on social conscientiousness. Financial being the first component of CSR is often the major factor in a company’s consideration of ethical standards. The main goal of any business is to keep its costs low and to earn a profit. Financial responsibilities in regards to CSR means that society expects that a corporation will produce needed goods and services that are desired by customers and sell those goods and services at a reasonable price while still earning a profit. The organization strives to be efficient and profitable along with keeping the best interest of the shareholders in mind (Barnett). Financially, the Wal-Mart Corporation is a multi-billion dollar industry with close to two million employees worldwide. On the positive side, Wal-Mart’s motto is â€Å"Always low prices. Always! They uphold this motto by providing low prices to consumers with a high return on investment to satisfy stockholders. On the negative side, with jobs currently being scarce, Wal-Mart seems to manage keeping costs low by demanding high productivity from their associates (employees) with seemingly low compensation. In addition, most associates cannot afford to be covered by health insurance. The consequence of this treatment of personnel is a high employee turnover rate, which seems to question management’s view that the organization is a family (â€Å"The NEW Age of Walmart†). The second component of CSR, which is representative of the legal standards and obligations, refers to the expectation that a corporation will follow the rules set down by society. This means the organization is to comply with government laws used to protect employees’, stakeholders, customers, suppliers, the community, and other competition in the marketplace. An individual business could have thousands of legal responsibilities governing almost every aspect of their operations, including consumer and product laws, environmental laws, and employment laws (Barnett). The legal challenges that face Wal-Mart are numerous. Before Wal-Mart decides to build a new store, it researches and visits specific site locations in conjunction with considering the neighborhood. It does so discretely as not attract attention attempting to protect against opposition to the development of a new store. Defenders of Wal-Mart propose the overall advantages to the community, which includes economic benefits and consumer choice. Opponents to a new Wal-Mart have concerns over traffic congestion, public safety, and competition to small business. Often there can be protests from labor unions, environmental groups, and other wary citizens (â€Å"The NEW Age of Walmart†). Ethics is the third component of Corporate Social Responsibility. The ethical responsibilities concern societal expectations that go beyond the law, such as the expectation that organizations will conduct their affairs in a fair and just way. This means that organization are expected to do more than just comply with the law, they are to do what is considered right by society’s standards. Organizations should make proactive efforts to anticipate and meet the norms of society even if the law does not formally enact those norms. Ethics are a necessary and critical ingredient in any business that wants to be successful (Barnett). Wal-Mart seems to address the fact that there should be a code of ethics. The application of corporate ethical behavior needs to be dealt with on a personal and professional level. The key for Wal-Mart is to help their associates indentify if their actions are right or wrong. They rely on a system of training and business practices started by its founder, Sam Walton (â€Å"The NEW Age of Walmart†). Lastly, one of the most overlooked areas of CSR is the fourth component of philanthropic and discretionary responsibilities. In other words, this means society expects that corporations be good citizens that they will show concern for humanity. It may involve such things as performing charitable actions, supporting programs that benefit a community or nation, and donating expertise time and/or services to worthy causes (Barnett). In this area, the future of Wal-Mart looks promising if it is willing to recognize their duty to society. With its tremendous size, the organization is faced with being an example to other corporations. It is trying to make efforts such as supporting the environment, but they have just begun to scrap the surface. It will require balance between profit and social responsibility (â€Å"The NEW Age of Walmart†). Works Cited Barnett, Tim. â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility. † 2010. Reference for Business: Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed. Web. 27 Dec. 2010. . Ghillyer, Andrew W. Business Ethics: A Real World Approach, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw- Hill, 2010. Print. â€Å"The NEW Age Of Walmart. † CNBC Originals. 23 Sept. 2009. Video. 27 Dec. 2010. .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mun Unoosa – Topic: Space Junk – Country: Sweden

Jasmin Fashami 14 November 2012 United Nations Office on Outer Space Affairs Sweden Space Junk UNOOSA – Sweden A. Background of Topic 1. Space junk, also known  space debris and  space waste, is the collection of objects in  orbit  around  Earth  that were created by humans but no longer serve any useful purpose, which can consist of everything from old dead  satellites to explosion and collision fragments. These objects often overlap the trajectory of new space shuttles or satellites, which can cause a potential collision risk, damaging the equipment.Space junk presents a threat not only to space affairs, but also to matters here on earth; although most debris will burn up in the atmosphere, larger objects can reach the ground intact and present a risk. The ISS has had to repair numerous satellites and spaceships orbiting the earth due to the damage caused by space junk, causing them millions. Though the UNOOSA has published guidelines for nations to follow in h opes to reduce the amount of space junk, the UN still has many issues that need to be discussed and covered due to this growing problem. . Nations that are directly involved and affected by this issue include the USA, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the UK, and others. 3. According to the U. S. military's Space Surveillance Network, there are roughly  22,000 pieces of orbital debris  larger than 4 inches currently in the outlying atmosphere, which include broken satellite parts and depleted rocket bodies. As these fragments travel through space, they pose collision risks to the ISS and the roughly 1,000 working satellites in orbit.Many incidents have already occurred, such as in February 2009, a U. S satellite was struck by a non-operational Russian satellite. The impact destroyed the two spacecraft and created large clouds of dust and debris. â€Å"If we continue, as we have, to use these very popular orbits in near-Earth space, th e density of debris and collision events will surely increase,† Marshall Kaplan, an orbital debris expert within the Space Department at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, told SPACE. com. Operational satellites will be destroyed at an alarming rate, and they cannot be replaced. We must prepare for this seemingly inevitable event,† Kaplan said. B. United Nations Involvement 1. Analysts first became aware of an emerging space debris problem in the early 1960s. However, February 2009 was when the UN first really got involved with this issue. The UNOOSA â€Å"called all Member States and international organizations to fully implement measures to curb space debris following the collision of an inactive Russian satellite with an operational one from the USA. This was the first major problem between countries regarding this issue. 2. Some organizations, committees, agencies, and NGOs that are involved with the growing issue include the United N ations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs, the European Space Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the  Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee. 3.Every year, the  COPUOS  invites Member States to submit reports on national research regarding space junk and problems of collisions with space junk. Though there is no international treaty mandating countries to minimize space debris,  in 2007, the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space published voluntary guidelines for nations to follow. The UNOOSA needs to continue to pass more guidelines and rules regarding space junk, and agencies like NASA to be more aware of the debris and the issues they are emitting.Many methods have been proposed to solve this problem, but in the end, the international community needs to step up and put forth more action before the issu e gets worse. C. Country Policy 1. Sweden has set up a wide-ranging space company that has 40 years' experience in helping space organizations, companies and research organizations gain access to space, called the SSC, or the Swedish Space Corporation. This company has researched and developed numerous resolutions to many space problems, such as space debris. . Sweden believes that space junk in Earth’s atmosphere is a growing problem and is working to stop the damage it is causing. 3. On March 19th, 2012, Sweden, through the SSC, launched the REDEMPTION Experiment at the REXUS/BEXUS Esa Educational Programme, which is realized under a mutual agreement between the German Aeroscope Center and the Swedish National Space Board. REDEMPTION stands for â€Å"Removal of Debris using Material with Phase Transition IONospherical tests;† it is currently a work in progress.In order to combat space debris and a possible, upcoming tragic event known as Kessler Syndrome, many resear ch groups are developing technologies able to shift space junk into a safety orbit using a newly redesigned foam. Unfortunately, at the moment, a realistic system has not yet been found. 4. Sweden is still continuing to work towards the REDEMPTION experiment, whose main goal is to propose a new system based on a spray foam that solidifies.This can be used as a link between satellites and debris and will have to work in space conditions – this will avoid future collision between debris and space equipment. Works Cited http://esa. int/SPECIALS/Space_Debris/SEMQHL05VQF_0. html http://redemptionteam. blogspot. com/p/about-redemption. html http://space. com/16289-space-junk-international-response. html http://sscspace. com/rexus-12 http://un. org/apps/news/story. asp? NewsID=29908&Cr=outer+space&Cr1#. ULGS8Ie7OSp

Analysis on the Growth of Bureaucracy in the United States Essay

There are two main limitations on the growth of bureaucracy. The first is management attitudes and philosophy and the second the pressure of rapid change. These help to explain why even large organizations differ in the extent of their bureaucracy. Numerous debates has commenced in the light of defining the adept political situation of the country. There had been multifarious deliberations as to whether the system of government of the U. S. is formidably working or on what extent has it developed for that instance. Demands for equality of treatment have been one of the reasons for the growth of bureaucracy (Miroff, Seidelman and Swanstrom). The strength of the demand is influenced by the ideology prevailing at that time and place. It is less strong in United States than it was before tackling on the political stability and in the economic landscape as well. Citizens want equality of treatment from the civil service, and questions in the House try to ensure that they get it, thereby putting pressure on civil servants to administer strictly in accordance with the rules, so that no questions will be asked. Employees, through their union, strive for the acceptance of rules to ensure that management cannot discriminate between individuals at its own discretion (Carter). Further, when fairness is identified with equality of treatment, variations in the conditions of work within one large organization are likely to be challenged as unfair. If rules and procedures that are demonstrably fair by this standard are to be devised, little or no allowance can be made for local difficulties and preferences. The increasing realization of the limitations imposed by equality of treatment has led to the idea of a menu of the contents of a reward package from which employees can make choices to suit their own needs and interests. The system of government develops in accordance to the â€Å"situation† of the country, hence, the United States, has strictly followed a structure which adheres to the customs, the internal and external rationales, the cultures which in point of fact reside in the country, and the extent of need. Consequently, bureaucracy in the U. S. has developed because it is more efficient than other forms of organization. It makes for rational and continuing administration. The increasing size and complexity of organizations encourage the growth of bureaucracy. So does the demand for equality of treatment. Rapid change limits the growth of bureaucracy because a more flexible organization is needed to adapt to it, hence some argue that bureaucracy is out of date.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Explore the potential problems and issues that an organization would Essay

Explore the potential problems and issues that an organization would need to consider when re-sourcing requirements back to thei - Essay Example In recent years however, the benefits of outsourcing have decreased due to increasing costs of production in Asia, long-lead times, poor communication with Asian countries, large quantities for minimum orders, as well as poor quality of products (Green, 2013). Due to these issues, outsourcing countries have made attempts to re-source their production back to their home countries. Undoubtedly, major challenges are foreseen in on-shoring or re-sourcing, not the least of which involves loss of profits, which to any business is always problematic (Green, 2013). Still, businesses have gradually initiated efforts to re-source their production to their home countries mostly because they believe it would be the better option for them in the long run. This paper shall now explore the potential problems and issues than an organization would need to consider when re-sourcing requirements back to their home country and how these potential problems might be addressed or mitigated by the procureme nt function. Body There are different problems which have and will likely emerge for businesses seeking to re-source or in-source their production processes. ... This would imply the importance of some elements of IT skill in the related area, alongside an effective population having the right attitude to flourish in careers related to IT (Williams, 2012). The location need not be in the cities or metropolitan areas, but an area which is still big enough to support the logistics of its production processes. The chosen area must also be low-cost (Qu,, 2010). In general, areas which are the most efficient sources of modern technology have become very expensive areas to reside in; as such, wages for these areas are also expectantly higher than other areas. Under these conditions, it would be difficult for the businesses seeking to establish new re-sourcing areas to achieve profitability without having to sacrifice either the availability of the best technology or the lower wages of the employees (Hirscheim, 2000). The importance of securing an educational system which is responsive to the needs of the industry is also a challenge for thes e businesses. A significant decrease in IT graduates has been observed in the past decade and some areas have even eliminated IT education from their curriculum. The challenge for these corporations would be to revive the enthusiasm of the young population in order to be more responsive to the needs of these businesses and to work out technology issues (Williams, 2012). General Motors has recently considered relevant moves in order to secure insourcing of elements of its production process, mostly bringing back work to Austin, Texas (Thibodeau, 2012). Its insourcing move was however very much challenged with the limited relevant skills needed from its new employees

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Idea of the Third World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Idea of the Third World - Essay Example The term ‘third world’ is in real meaning a derogatory term used to describe these developing countries. The only ‘advantage’ that this term can get is ‘aid’ from the West. History has shown that in the past these so-called ‘third world’ countries were exploited, and completely stripped of their wealth by their colonial rulers, the very countries which now refer them as ‘underdeveloped’. As Irogbe, speaking about these colonial rulers comments â€Å"They did not hesitate to create and finance political parties in opposition to real nationalist ones†¦ used various other means to make sure that they handed over to those who would continue with the colonial policies in the nominally independent countries†¦Thus, a crucial problem of underdevelopment is that in this process of dependency there is a convergence of interest between the local or internal bourgeois and the external capitalist oligarchies†. All t hese nefarious dealings often made the development of these newly formed countries very slow and an uphill task. The word ‘third world’ until today, carries a picture of malnourished, non-whites living in abject poverty, which is not true anymore. Countries like China, India, and much more from the so called ‘third world front’ have put their economies in a strong position and are fast progressing to catch up with ‘developed world’. They are touted as the future powers and are in the process of taking charge of modern day world economy. Thus, we find the term ‘third world’ does not carry much meaning now, especially with the dissolution of USSR.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Manhattan Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Manhattan Project - Research Paper Example The success of this project advanced both scientific concepts but changed the potential nature of warfare for the rest of time. Still, today, the threat of such bombs, along with any other Weapons of Mass Destruction, remains a terrifying apocalyptic fear shared by people all over the world. In order to understand how we moved into the â€Å"Atomic Age† it is best to discuss how it all began; the answer might be surprising to some people. It all began with a letter to President Roosevelt from Albert Einstein in August of 1939. He, along with other European scientists, feared that Nazi Germany was exploring atomic technology; in fact, they were already working to purify uranium-235. This is one of the potential radioactive components necessary to create an atomic weapon (Bellis 1-2). Einstein and the other scientists were opposed to Nazi Fascism and were afraid of Nazi Germany developing this technology, primarily because they believed a tyrant like Hitler would not hesitate to use it. At first, Roosevelt’s reaction was not one of great concern and he worried about expending resources and finding the budget necessary might be an issue. However, after some deliberation he wrote back to Einstein. He explained that they could not risk Nazi forces gaining such a dangerous advantage and that America would be exploring atomic technology. The endeavor to accomplish this in totality makes up the Manhattan Project (Gosling 1-120). Unlike previous top secret military or government projects that used covert and misleading code-names like â€Å"Magic,† which was the covert information gained concerning Japanese ciphers and â€Å"Overlord,† which was the secret intentions of the Allied forces to invade Europe; the Manhattan project was much more literal (Broad ). It earned its name because of much of the earliest experimentation and planning began in 1941-1942 in New York at, at least, 10 different locations within the city. Robert Oppenheimer ove rsaw and participated in the project from its beginnings to its completion. Together, along with the research of some of the greatest scientific minds in history, like Einstein, Walter Bothe, Neils Bohr, and Marie Curie, they worked quickly to accomplish the completion of a functioning atomic bomb (Bellis 1-2). An atomic bomb ultimately derives its power from the release of nuclear energy at high speeds. Through the process of fission of the heavier atomic nuclei, the damage it causes results from, not only, the heat of the blast, but, also, from the radioactive elements of its design. In December of 1942 laboratory scientists were finally able to produce the controlled nuclear chain reaction. With this success, the research and the funding began to move rather quickly from there. ( Independence Hall Association in Philadelphia). Nuclear facilities were constructed in Hanford, Washington and Oak Ridge, Tennessee, while the main plant, dedicated to assembly was constructed in Los Ala mos, New Mexico (Gao 9-11). By the summer of 1945 Oppenheimer was prepared to test the first atomic bomb detonation; the hard work of, more than 100,000 people and at the cost of, more than 2 billion dollars of government supports brought them to this day ( Independence Hall Association in Philadelphia).On July 16, just before dawn, at the Trinity site, not

Friday, July 26, 2019

Commercial Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Commercial Law - Essay Example If the organization decides that they want a refund of their money or the leather, then they are a few steps to be followed. First and fore most, since the organization has already been notified that the company is being liquidated, they automatically become a trustee1. This is in relation to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. In the United Kingdom, the law that is responsible for dealing with both individuals and firms that face bankruptcy or insolvency is the Insolvency Law of the United Kingdom. There are key statutes that are involved in the bankruptcy and insolvency act. These include the Insolvency act 1986 which was amended by the Enterprise Act 2002, the Companies Act 2006 and the Company Director Disqualification Act 19862. The pari passu is the essential procedure that dictates how the goods will be distributed among the creditors in the UK insolvency law. Unless the statute displays preferred creditors, then a contract might be used that was signed between the organization and the creditor3. Since the Leather Craft knows where their goods lie, and they have been automatically declared as creditors, the contract they signed will assist them in the process. This means that the security interests to the assets of the company are entitled to the creditor. In this case, the approach that the law of UK takes is to give out either specific or fixed asset that the creditor has applied for. Situated at the Companies House, the law requires the interested assets of the company are filed on the companies charges of register. Leather craft must provide a debenture. Debenture simply means that the document which contains either the secured or unsecured debt owed by the company to their creditors4. Although the companies Act of 2006 requires the organization to have its own list of debentures, the Companies House requires all the debentures, which are secured by charge, be registered with them5. The main aim of the registration is to find out which company should be given first priority in the list of creditors. First, the Leather Craft companies must decide whether they can make an agreement with the company, which is voluntary on how to receive their dues. If they want a refund, they can agree with the board of directors for the Cattlerear Ltd if they can receive less in order to assist the company from insolvency6. Consequently, since the required goods are in the warehouse and they have already paid for them, they can agree to possess up the goods that are in the warehouse. In addition to that, if the company goes under new administration, this is according to the Enterprise Act of 2002 in which a trained insolvency practitioner will take up as new administration7. If this happens, since the specific goods that the Leather Craft industry wants are in the warehouse, they can agree with the new Cattlerear ltd administrator to have their goods, which are located in the warehouse. However, if none of these procedures are taken up, then all t he assets of the companies can be sold and the Leather Craft industry can have their refund back if they do not want the leather that the Cattlerear has which is located in their warehouse. This is after the Leather Craft Industry has completed either forms that display that they owe the company the goods and that they want a refund of their money back or their goods in which they are aware they are located in the warehouse. It should be noted that if a qualified insolvency prac

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 8

Interview - Essay Example In this way, spirit of each epoch of the 20th century’s American history with its dynamics of a melting pot can be easily senses through musical legacy. Due to impact of social and cultural factors of modern days, our generation has come to give its affiliations mainly to contemporary popular music possessing easy-to-remember tunes, unpretentious lyrics and strong appealing dance rhythm and . Dynamic dance songs accompany us every day in many public places, even if we don’t listen to them willfully: shopping malls, cafà ©s or earphones of our fellow passengers in the underground. Development and popularization of such type of music has been gaining momentum for at least a decade. Pop music in this narrow sense has been a reflection of emotional state of the society and an imprint of its popular culture. On the other hand, each epoch of music history has its underground stage offering an alternative view on contemporary cultural values. However, it has been claimed by researchers, that modern society has become more prone to narcissism with all the more songs containing â€Å"me†, not â€Å"we† and all the more people living and feeling alone. In addition, modern songs contain more antisocial words than songs used to in 1980’s and even 1990’s. Personally, I have always valued various genres and trends in music, considering that they all pose some value for our culture – either supporting modern canons or denying them and adding a pitch of freshness and novelty. However, similar to the lion’s share of our generation, I prefer modern music, that is being â€Å"forged† in the present-day cultural and social environment – including both popular and underground music. However, my friend and interviewee called Tao Yi has a different type of affiliations, being a passionate fan of â€Å"old school† rock music that used to rock the world between mid-1970’s and late

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Practical Manual for Job Hunters and Career Changers Case Study

A Practical Manual for Job Hunters and Career Changers - Case Study Example If you love what you do and are naturally good at it- your talent will shine through and the money will follow. We should just concentrate on bettering ourselves at different aspects of the job and the rest will take care of itself. A career needs to be planned, as any top executive will tell you, and making the right choices will pay dividends in getting you to the right places so you can climb the corporate ladder and make a name for yourself. This paper will look at the salary data for three jobs of my choice and compare them in terms of overall suitability and usefulness as career choices. Discussion After a good introspective thinking session about my skills and abilities and the jobs I would like to be in, I have selected (1) College Teacher (2) Investment Analyst and (3) Business Process Consultant as the three professions I would most like to be in, in that order. Teaching is my first choice because I have an innate ability to learn and pick up facts quickly as well as to exp lain them to others in a way they would understand. Investment Analyst would be my second choice because I am good with numbers and have some interest in finance and how it runs the corporate world. The last choice would be Business Process Consultant in case I do not get into the first two professions of my choice. This again is a good choice for one who is good at dealing with people and processes and knows a bit about business problems in different areas and how to overcome bottlenecks or kick-start processes. It helps one understand what are the threats and opportunities to handle and how to use the company’s strengths and overcome its weaknesses to survive in a competitive environment, how the world works and what impacts on opinions. I think it is something we should all show a little interest in. All the professions I have chosen need some college and university education but what really matters is the long-term interest in these professions. Without this one would be a rolling stone (Bolles, 2011). Median, 25th and 75th Percentile Base Wages and Total Compensation (NYC) Profession 25th Percentile Median or 50th 75th Percentile College Teacher $14, 398 $17, 515 $21,786 Investment Analyst $53,767 $61,790 $82,401 Business Process Consultant $101,290 $114,367 $128,530 SOURCE: Accessed on 23 Sep 2011. 1. Which jobs are paid more or less? Is this what you would have expected? Why or why not? What factors could explain the differences in the salaries? Yes, the price that a job commands in the marketplace is both a reflection of the demand and supply for that particular set of skills as well as the training and experience that is required to enter into a particular profession. For example, in the education sector, the basic qualification considered for a college professor is a Bachelors Degree. Similarly, for an Investment Analyst, the basic educational qualification would be a Business or Finance Degree. For a Business Process Consultan t this would be a degree in Project Management along with an innate sense of planning, organizing and problem-solving. Most definitely the cost of a college education is also included in starting pay considerations. As one gains experience in these fields, the pay also increases with promotions, bonuses, and further perks.  

Advertising class Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advertising class - Assignment Example The university also has seven professional schools and four professional health science schools. There are various extracurricular activities to choose from and an amazing student life package that includes housing, hospitality, traditions, student government among others. Check out our offers on our open day on the 26th of November 2014. The motive of this campaign is to encourage Lasell College students to enjoy their life in college by experiencing life and love. My audience is Lasell college students, and I will be targeting single students who are interested in enjoying college life and finding a partner to share life’s moments with. I will start a campaign with two different ideas, meaning that two different ads will be developed for this campaign. Here are the following ads: The first ad will develop an announcement for the first meeting for the singles where they will interact as they participate in some fun- filled activities to help them loosen up. I will spread the ad around social media and local newspapers to reach as many audiences as I can. The promise for this session will be to help the singles meet other single people who are likeminded and fun to be with. The theme for this ad will be â€Å"Live and love† The radio advertisement will be as follows: Being in a college without a partner can be boring, and it sucks! Are you single and lonely? Looking for a partner? Well, look no further! Come to the Lasell College student’s hall on the 15th Nov 2014 for the singles night and get hooked up. Meet other likeminded individuals and change your college experience! There will be various fun activities that you can participate in that will get you connected to the right person. Come one come all!! For details call Molly on 09876789 for ad vance booking The second ad will be for a range of outdoor activities for

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

International business - Essay Example factors include: an option of entering alien markets, sharing and decreasing cost of production, developing KSAs (knowledge, skills and abilities) that are hard to develop and adoption of upgraded technology. The main reason due to which several companies accept and enter strategic alliances is to enter alien markets in order to increase their market share (IRELAND, 2008, p.177). For instance, several organizations wanted to enter the Chinese region for expansion purposes and in order to enter these markets they needed expertise of the local organization. This is because local organizations have a better understanding of the cultural and motivational values of the people living in the nation. Due to this, Warner Brothers created strategic alliance with other Chinese firms in the entertainment industry to come up with movies for the locals of China (GRIFFIN, 2005, p.370). When organizations expand they have to bare the risk of expansion which includes investment in fixed technologies and financial risks (FUNG, 2008, p.5). If these costs are shared by the organizations the risk level of partnering organizations decrease. This is one of the motivational factors due to which organizations enter into a strategic alliance. For instance when Boeing was involved in the creation of 787, it created a strategic alliance with several Japanese firms which led to division of investment for the purpose of creating the jetliner (STEERS, 2006, p.228). Organizations even enter into a strategic alliance in order to obtain knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) and assets lacked by either one or both of the partners of the alliance (KANG, 2001, p.37). They even enter into an alliance because developing these KSAs is a difficult task and an expensive one. For example: There was a strategic alliance formed between the organizations of Microsoft and Toshiba in order to create microprocessors that were embedded in nature and could perform various roles that were entertaining in nature

Monday, July 22, 2019

Can Technology Replace Teachers Essay Example for Free

Can Technology Replace Teachers Essay TV, computers have fully integrated into urban life in many spheres like education, entertainment, and commerce, and therefore, some people consider that the technology such as multimedia teaching would replace teachers in class. I would say this does not sound very convincing because the superiority of the teachers are obvious. The first and most apparent advantage that face-to-face conversation is a vital ability for the environment of the social working is clear. Teachers give students direction to have a good grasp to work in the team or respect each other. It is possible for one to have a video communication with teacher to achieve that, however, the meaning of much of what we say depends on our body language and tone of voice which can not be transmitted by the computers. The interaction between teachers arid students is the core of teaching process. Additionally, it is generally thought that multimedia always connects with Internet which is a double-edged sword. The Internet with innumerable news sources about curriculum let us make the paradox of choice. For instance, we downland a mass of materials for TOEFL tests but do not know which one to start. Teachers play significant roles to guide our study, and they can tell us where we begin with, what we should do, and which reference we should choose, hence their proposal always make a huge difference especially in a brand new discipline. As a facilitator ,teacher can make us learn efficiency. Whats more, students,with low self-control, also easier to indulge in bad or rather faulty information and act on it. Teachers also play significant roles in supervising students. In conclusion, the computer has been widely used in class,it cannot replace the role of teachers who impersonated an essential part of modern education. Nevertheless,multimedia teaching facilitates our education like PPT teaching which can avoid the chalk dust. Teachers can use this trait to mend and consummate our education.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech Freedom to say what you want To me, the right of freedom of speech in the first amendment or correction in the Constitution is a standout amongst the most significant rights American natives have. It implies that I can voice and express my individual assessments and maintain the first objectives of our administration. To start with, this provides for me the right to voice and convey what needs be wherever and at whatever point I pick, as long as I dont meddle with any other individual Constitutional rights. Second, the United States might be in a to a great degree frail state if nationals didnt have the right to Freedom of speech. Without Freedom of speech in our Bill of Rights, individuals couldnt remain up for what they have confidence in (Kanovitz, 2010). I imagine that if an individual has an idea or point they need to voice they ought to have the ability to without anything remaining in their direction. Besides, not having this right might imply that it might be almost outlandish for specific associations to structure on the grounds that they wouldnt have the capacity to express their perspectives. Additionally, since the United States has the freedom of speech, natives have the capacity to have a bigger voice in their legislature (Kanovitz, 2010). These individuals who voice their conclusions can influence their legislature authorities position on present issues. Freedom of speech is an imperative good on the grounds that it permits presentation toward oneself, and at last gives worth to the single person. I accept that free discourse amplifies past the logos-based contention and I accept that free discourse involves more than that of what Peter guarantees, that there is to be no former control. I accept that the method of reasoning based off of Peter; most satisfactorily speaks to the idea of free discourse. This is on account of Peter is not at all like whatever possible savant; he centers his philosophical establishing on the thought that there is not a flat out destination truth. Diminish avows the thought that if there is no total truth then no two people will recognize esteem and truth in the same way; hence, Peter infers that the reason that we communicate is for our own particular fulfillment toward oneself. Dwindle grounds his convictions on the singular and the esteem that discourse has on him or her. He doesnt accept that Freedom o f speech as well as interpretation is a methods in which people can work to make an aggregate great, or profit social order overall, yet opportunity of discourse is an intends to enhance ones own particular self (singer, 1994). It is my conviction that discourse ought to keep on being ensured under the laws of the Constitution and the Harm Principle in light of the fact that by restricting discourse government will be compelled to comply with what social order esteems to be regularizing practices, subsequently defaming the convictions of the individuals who dont fall under the dominant part. The Harm Principle is dependent upon this conviction that The main reason for which power could be legitimately practiced over any part of a humanized group, without wanting to, will be to avert mischief to others. (Law publish, 2011) I accept that this is amazingly huge on the grounds that it is difficult to control a distinctive feelings; it is inadequate to say that what will terribly insulted one man will likewise horribly irritate an alternate. Since nobody will have the same enthusiastic pain it is difficult to control utilizing any hypothesis that builds its discipline with respect to discourse that insults. I accept that free speech ought to dependably be ensured. It is just when discourse shows an immediate peril that distinct activities ought to be constrained. At last what we need most is the security of people. With a specific end goal to accomplish this it is important to ensure the residents from immediate mischief while additionally taking into account opportunity of outflow to happen. Free discourse eventually gives worth to the distinct notwithstanding if the discourse is disrespectful, rebellious, or passionate as long as it remains peaceful then it ought to remain ensured under the First Amendment (First Amendment in History, 2010). Nonetheless, in cases that do instigate some ethical or physical mischief it is important to take a gander at this nearly; it is essential for the administration to give a forcing motivation to manage or rebuff the discourse. I accept that the regulations that I have actualized ought to be the most extreme measure of regulation on free discourse. This is on account of people ought to have the right to talk their psyche and communicate anyway they need. Government ought not to be permitted to place regulations on representations as long as it doesnt physically impel hurt and the administration does not have the power to limit free-gliding plans. At last the flexibility to convey what needs be is dependent upon the quality of the discourse to the single person. Nonetheless, I dont accept that it is sensible to accept that all nations will utilize my model as a foundation. This is on account of I accept that nearby society will play excessively incredible of a part. In this way, I accept that this model ought to be actualized as an objective for all countries to attain. The base measure of free discourse to be secured might vary from mine (Tueber, 1988). All in all, I accept that freedom of speech is an extremely fundamental piece of our administrations relationship between residents and government authorities. In the event that we didnt have freedom of speech, our administration wouldnt be of the individuals, by the individuals, for the individuals (Monk, 2003); government authorities might be settling on all the choices. To emphasize, Freedom of speech might be something that can help a unique express their idea on something or it can help and singular damage an alternate race/type of individuals without results because of the boundless opportunity of discourse. In the event that Freedom of speech was restricted, it might help control a great deal of separation and the mobs on the grounds that they can get charged for it and be captured. At last, that is the thing that opportunity of discourse intends to me. Works Cited First Amendment in History. (2010). Retrieved from Illinois First Amendment Center: Kanovitz. (2010). Freedom of Speech. New Providence (pp. pp. 42-87). New Jersey: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc. Law publish. (2011). Retrieved from Advertising is Protected by the First Amendment: Monk. (2003). First Amendment. Retrieved from Interactive Constitution: singer, P. (1994). Ethics. Oxford. Tueber. (1988, March). Original Intent or How Does the Constitution Mean? Retrieved from The London Review of Books:

The Five Pillars Of Islam Are Mandatory Duties

The Five Pillars Of Islam Are Mandatory Duties The Five Pillars of Islam are mandatory duties that are required of each and every Muslim to perform. These duties help to make Muslim religious beliefs concrete reality. Many people across the world confuse Muslim unity with terrorism. People are quick to assume that when Muslims start to unite, that they are planning to attack. This misconception can be dismissed if one takes the time to read and understand the Five Pillars of Islam. Since the Quran teaches all Muslims that there is only one God, there is no division among Islam as to a trinity of Gods as in with Christianity (Hanson). Thus the practice of the Five Pillars of Islam helps to create a sense of unity among Muslims. In order to fully understand how the pillars create this sense of unity, first one must know what each pillar is and what the duty requires. The first pillar is called Shahadah. This pillar is the most practice, but, yet, it is constantly help the Muslim to profess their allegiance to Allah [God]. Shahadah consists of two parts- a negation and an affirmation (Emerick, 2002). In this first pillar, the phrase, There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah is recited multiple times a day. This pillar is basically where an individual is ordered to think and speak from a heart and mind that is united with Allah. No one is to have any separate thoughts or remarks that either discredits or is against the teachings of Allah through his prophet Muhammad (Hoffert, 2009). With this pillar, there is unity among Muslims because Islam teaches to lead a moral life and to improve the lives of all living things. The second pillar, Salat, has the most direct impact on Muslim daily life. Salat in Arabic means prayer (Fluehr-Lobban, 2004) which is performed five times a day. Around the world, this joint facing of Mecca for prayer unites all Muslims into a single world family (Hoffert, 2009). These times of prayer helps Muslims to seek for strength and patience so that they can work alongside other Muslims to become one with Allah. Another way that this pillar unites Muslims is when prayer time approaches, many Muslims go to the mosques together to pray as one, since in the religion of Islam, the focus is always on being of one mind and spirit with Allah. This is common in most Arabic countries. However, any clean space dedicated to Muslim prayer can serve as the space in a mosque (Firestone, 2008). Fridays are typically when many practicing Muslims gather in mosques for communal prayer. They are led by the imam of the mosque. Prayers of Muslims whether at their own home or in a mosque, is an ad ditional manner on how the Five Pillars of Islam creates a sense of Muslim unity. Zakat, the third pillar, is a duty similar to paying tithes in Christian churches. However, there is a great difference. Another name for zakat is alms tax (Trueblood, 2010). With this pillar, the requirement is for each Muslim to give up a portion of their savings in order to help the poor. An Islamic government even has the task of imposing this tax on its citizens and using the collected funds for welfare and social programs for the less fortunate. (Emerick, 2002) Zakat is a way to worship Allah and provide service to the Islamic community. As the Quran teaches the Muslim people that everyone must give a portion of your earnings in order to help out fellow Muslims who are in need. As with non-Islamic people, this practice is also done, but with some variances. To Muslims, the giving of between 2.5 and 10 percent of his/her earnings provides money to those with less in the Islamic community (Firestone, 2008). This practice is designed to help balance any inequalities in wealth amon gst Muslims. What greater way to unify a community than ensuring that all people are able to provide for their family? This has always been the way of life for Muslims. The fourth pillar is Saum, or fasting. Fasting for Muslims, especially during Ramadan, is a way to become better enlightened. It is a time to where one gets their body and mind back on track and focused on Allah. Where this pillar could possibly help with Muslim unity is when at night, after the last scheduled prayer, people go to the mosques and pray with a congregation. During this time, the Imam leads all the gathered Muslims through a special prayer for Ramadan called Salah al-Tarawih (Emerick, 2002). The fifth pillar, called Hajj, is a requirement that every Muslim have to complete at least once in their lifetime. There are many rituals that have to be completed in order to fulfill this pillar. Every year more than 1.5 million Muslims perform Haj at Kaba. This large gathering of Muslims of all races and cultures promotes the international brotherhood and reflects that all Muslims are alike and equal in the sight of God (Hussain, 2003). Only Muslims who are financially, physically, and mentally stable to source the journey are required to go. There is no borrowing of funds by anyone. This pilgrimage, as it is called, is the true display of obedience to Allah. This act (or pillar) is of extreme importance because during this journey the end result of completing all ritual parts is complete and total cleanse of all sins (Hussain, 2003). Mecca is the central point of all Islamic relations. This is the place to where the journey of the fifth pillar brings all Muslims who are able to perform the rituals. This was the place, according to the Quran, where Abraham was directed by God to go to build the great temple for worship (Fluehr-Lobban, 2004). The temple, to this day, is known as the place to where all Muslims, as mentioned earlier, unite together for the common practice of worshipping Allah and being made innocent (Hussain, 2003). Muslim unity could be compared to a fraternity at one of the colleges. Muslims are in close ties with other Muslims and ensure that everyone is of equal qualities of life. Contrary to the beliefs of those not affiliated with Islam, Muslims are taught not to be of violent nature. Being violent amongst one another or against other living things is not living in the one mind and spirit of Allah. Those that do these things are the ones who have individualistic views and are solely out to disrupt the unity within the Islamic culture. The Quran does teach Muslims to unite and protect the Islamic community against threats, but not to intentionally hurt those that do not pose a threat. True Muslims, who are continually practicing these five pillars, are more concerned with uniting all cultures and living things than destroying them. The goals of the Five Pillars of Islam are unification with Allah in mind, spirit, and body and unification within the Islamic communities with fellow Muslims. If the pillars were never in place, then it would be hard for Muslims to establish peaceful relations among all Islamic communities. There would be great differences in qualities of life of all Muslim families. Because of this, the Five Pillars of Islam is a vital tool in creating and maintaining the unity that Muslims have with one another and with the cultures and communities that are not of Islamic faith. Each pillar, or duty, must be performed completely in order for to truly be obedient to Allah.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comfort Of Our Own Homes Essay -- social issues

Comfort Of Our Own Homes Violence is very wide spread in society today and is growing at an alarming rate among our children. Everyday we seem to hear of children beating on one another, ganging up on the elderly, invading homes, and even murdering people. One has to question how much effect different sorts of media have on our children. From the time we are very young we can be exposed to seeing and hearing horrible acts of violence on the television and radio, and through video games. Sadly, I believe this is where it all starts - in the comfort of our own homes. Over and over again children watch violent programs and play video games with the goal of killing others. Eventually many of them find it amusing and enjoyable to see others being hurt and killed. Parents, in general, are not protecting their kids from this invasion of media violence. Many children laugh at violence and think it’s funny to hurt others. According to David Grossman, a former psychology professor and author of a Pulitzer-nominated book on the psychology of violence, the most dangerous of all media is that which teaches the child to laugh. â€Å" Once you get beyond the early age where kids are stunned and mesmerized by TV and can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality, you find they begin to laugh at the violence†. (Grierson, Adbusters 2) Children who view a lot of television become hardened to violence. â€Å" Media violence systematically brutalizes and desensitizes its r...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Last Yankee Summary :: essays research papers

The Last Yankee by Arthur Miller is about a woman named Patricia Hamilton who is about to be released from a mental institution. The story takes place around the 1960 the New England Area. The play contains four characters. Their names were Leroy Hamilton, Patricia Hamilton, Leroy Frick, and Karen Frick. Leroy Hamilton was a relative of Alexander Hamilton. Frick and Hamilton’s wives knew each other as they were friends in the institute. Frick is a rich, young business man. He works with oil companies and other things as well. Hamilton, was a member of an elite family and he was a carpenter. Hamilton described himself as a Yankee as did his wife. The behavior of a Yankee according to his wife was they could be abused and taxed as much as they want, they still would not do anything about it but complain and get even sadder. In the first act, Hamilton and Frick got into a heated discussion. Earlier they talked about how their wives got into the institute in the first place. Karen Frick, got into the hospital because she had a nervous breakdown in which she would alienate the outer world from herself. She locked herself at home and would not go out. Before, that occurred she was a real estate agent. Patricia was a home make and became a depressive. Patricia had been in the institute two times already in the fifteen years of her falling out. This was her third time and she was improving. Hamilton, got mad when Frick talked about labor as if it was a bad thing. Hamilton said nothing was wrong about being a carpenter and nobody was proud to be in labor it was just something people talked as if they were so low in the dirt. In the second act Karen and Patricia talk about their lives. Karen often trailed off into her own thing, while Patricia tried to talk about herself. Patricia talked on how she grew up in Sweden and how her family was full of beautiful people. Her brothers had died by committing suicide. Her mother’s beauty was everlasting until she died at 81 years old. Also, she talked about how she stopped taking her medication and then was gradually getting better. She had been off drugs for 21 days. So now she could be able to do much more. All that she wanted was to make her husband happy and how the church she like d and the preacher who would talk to her.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

American Business History for Motor Vehicle Assembler

Contained in this essay is a business history for one of the first motor vehicle assemblers in the United States. Several aspects of the company and the entire industry would be discussed herein.The company’s organizational structure was at that time hierarchically arranged, with lower management and job levels reporting to top ones—all the way to corporate governance.The company had a 5000-labor force; most were located in the assembling facilities as assemblers. Marketing employees were scattered all over the country and therefore gave the company a national outlook. Other than employees, the company had a network of associates that provided vital services and support.Like many other motor vehicle assemblers in the United States, this one, too, was initially located in Detroit, Michigan (Robert, 2005, p. 96). Among the reasons for locating in the Midwest was high concentration of various parts suppliers in the region, which helped reduce the cost of transporting to ot her areas. In addition, the high concentration of vehicle part makers and assemblers resulted to development of highly skilled population, whose employment increased company productivity.The three resources needed to run the vehicle assembler included parts and accessories, skilled labor and energy. All three components were widely available in the region and in abidance. In addition, company founders understood that increased demand for respective products would call for more of the three inputs and therefore chose to locate in Detroit, a city famed for its ability to provide industrial environmental support to motor assemblers (Nelson & Stephen, 2001, p. 147).As mentioned earlier, parts and accessories were sourced from independent suppliers although the company was manufacturing some. Labor was readily available and the company embarked on retraining employees as a way of improving assembling skills. Power was bought from independent producers who had proved reliable on that fron t.The initial capital to start the business was $650 Million that was raised from banks and share offering. The company founders first embarked on seeking bank loan on which they raised about $250 Million. The industry’s potential to create money for investors led to several wealthy individuals seeking to provide capital for the company, on which another $150 Million was realized. These amount was however not enough capital, which led to founders floating shares in New York Stock Exchange. Investors from all walks of life applied for the stock. In fact, company shares were over subscribed by over 100 percent.The final products (motor vehicles) were supplied to customers through company owned dealerships in major cities (Stephen, 2003, p. 54). The company was also encouraging individual entrepreneurs to establish own outlets to market company products.Discounts and other incentives resulted to establishment of privately owned dealership all over the country, and thus gave the company a national outlook. The company was finally able to reach its target market—all Americans hungry of enjoying the newly found mobility (Haruhito & Kazuo, 1995, p. 108).The motor vehicles were competitively priced in order to appeal to the target market. To publicize the products and create differentiation from competitors, the company was undertaking campaign tours throughout the country; privately owned dealerships were provided with assistance in marketing around respective jurisdictions.Despite the many benefits of mobility provided by motor vehicle, the company and the entire industry were concerned with fatal accidents, which resulted to legal considerations on assemblers’ liability (David, 2004, p. 18). Industry participants thus embarked on warning customers on the dangers and the need to be careful when operating motor vehicles.ReferencesDavid, A. (2004). The Genesis of American Mass Vehicle Production. Baltimore: JHU.Haruhito, S. & Kazuo W. (1995). Ford ism Transformed. New York: OUP.Nelson, L. & Stephen, M. (2001). On the Line. Urbana: UoI.Robert, A. (2005). History of   US Auto Industry. Albany: SUNNY.Stephen, M.   (2003). Competition Management in US Auto Industry. Albany:   SUNNY.

Critically examine the architecture, routines, and culture (ARC) framework of organisational design as proposed by Saloner, Shepard and Podolny in Strategic Management Essay

The physique of an brass section is exceedingly crucial for a stanch in todays world in commit for it to achieve and sustain its emulous utility that bequeath place the satisfying in a stronger position than its rivals. The unwaveringlyly clear manipulate the comp mavennts of institution blueprint, shot these elements with one an diversityer(a) and with the strategy, to tinge the upstandings carrying out. Hence, the goal for the system of rules is to fall in a good fit mingled with the apaces jut and its militant advantage in order for the faithful to be strategically aligned with the strategy. whatever efficacious chassis will give to address 2 general jobs the coordination and motivator problems and essential do so in a mien that supports the transcriptions strategy.The wet lavatory make spend of the computer architecture, Routines and Culture ( arch) cloth to grapple these problems. This taste will firstly describe how the discharge frame r eport clear be enforced accordingly. An effective creation will think on the 3 elements working unneurotic and so, these interactions will be analysed. In addition, the implications of the framework will be examined too. To start, we gather up to doctor from to each one one component of the ARC framework. Firstly, the architecture refers to the dividing of the securely into sub unit of measurements and establishing linkages among these groups. Secondly, flakes argon the formal and light procedures while accommodateing out travails developed from repetition. They corroborate established interfaces which pertains certain expectations about what will flow across them and a protocol for accomplishing the transfer.Lastly, finis is the comm just held values and beliefs of individuals at heart the physical composition and once deeply embedded, is the critical criteria for behaviour and decision making in the home. The 2 main contends of organisation design ar the coordination and inducement problems. As they atomic number 18 interrelated, their effects are intertwined and addressing one could impact the early(a).The coordination problem refers to the challenge of establishing an organisation design that achieves an efficient deployment of assets within the firm so that it can achieve its objectives as efficiently as come-at-able. in that location are several(prenominal) crux of the coordination problem balancing the gains from specialization and the gains from integration and how the decision making assist is designed with the charter for entre to breeding flows. The fillip problem refers to eliciting the right beat and type of effort in the straw man of hidden data and hidden action. It arises from the take issueence of interests and objectives of the manager and the shareholders and is most parklandly united to the Principal-Agent problem.Having explained the key concepts, the coordination and incentive problems will be addressed with the ARC framework. In order to construct an organisation social system, the firm is gloomy down into subunits and such delineation impacts schooling and imagery flows within the firm. To tackle this, one has to match an architecture structure which minimises coordination problem. An pedigree from the Strategic Management would be whether working(a) or divisional structures would be remediate to deal with it. A useful organisation is one which groups individuals according to the t gestates they perform. The different functional groups (R&D, food marketing, finance et.cetra) are clustered unneurotic to be overseen by a superior. such a classification of groupings reaps the benefits of distinctiveness as information sharing and dealing is facilitated.There is an efficient spread of knowledge and brooding of ideas among the specialists such as in the R&D sector where creative ideas can be strengthened upon others ideas to key out innovation. Functional d ivision allows mend problem solving accomplish as having analogous specialists such as engineers in a group can leash to early detection of a manufacturing bug and faster solving speed. In addition, in that respect is a clear power structure with ab processd positions established within each function. The exercise of advancement is clear and hence employees are motivated to specialise and invest to a big(p) extent in human capital to advance.On the other hand, divisional structure differs as the primary subunits are classified establish on business divisions and to a lower place each of them are functional sub divisions. This allows for break dance facilitation of coordination across functions especially as the firm increases in scale and scope. If a sell firm divisions according to the different client group it serves Women and Children, both sub-divisions are served by functional groups. The design team could learn quickly about the change in taste of its customer gro up from the gross revenue team of which will not be possible if the teams did not operate under the same subunit. This supports Alfred Chandlers claim that divisional structure enhances accountability and communication.Hierarchy too, is an primal factor to consider when structuring a firm to address coordination problem. Since the communication among managers together with the scattering of information and shared resources to the groups get ups the actions of the subunits, the aim and disposition of hierarchy affects the effectiveness of the communication process. fleeting information through each level consumes resources, causes delays and degrades the information by introducing noise and distortion. This justifies the storage allocation of decision-making rights to those who have the most immediate access to the relevant information. However, decision makers may not know how their decisions will affect the other subunits.Away to address this is to create a formal linking m echanism that coordinates the decision across subunits or to centralise authority for lone(prenominal) decisions which require to a greater extent coordination. level linkages can also be established across units to achieve coordination. Its mechanisms facilitate information and resource flows without affecting the organisation of the subunits and this allows cooperation across units without sacrificing the gains from differentiation and decentralisation. There are several forms ranging from snug to formal procedures which include personal network, liaison, task forces and integrators. The selection among these options depends on the interdependence among subunits. much interdependent subunits will require a more than tightly coupled design.Horizontal linkages benefits are 2 fold they hike up information flows and they get the firm aside from rigidity. An apt example would be the strategy of the Japanese auto mobile firms rigid in the United Kingdom. The managers and worker s share common facilities and by doing so, horizontal linkages are built in the firm on a less(prenominal) formal setting with a flatter structure. Managers dine with the workers and this provides the platform for the quick dissemination of information and decision making. infra the ARC analysis, routines also gains coordination problem as the established interfaces bring about prodigious coordination gains. With each worker clear of his roles and the procedures, gains from specialisation is reaped. More importantly, huge informational efficiencies are gained as when tasks proceed from one unit to another, nominal amounts of information is needed to be communicated amid units as each unit only needs to know the information to carry out its part.Decision making routine also facilitates the decision making process as it is applied every clip a decision is made, thereby excluding colored and inefficiency from disagreements among decision makers. Lastly, a routine way for one divi sion to access the resources in another division enables the firm to coordinate in ways that would be intemperate if the firm has to make a youthful resource sharing decision each time.ulture too, induces cooperation. With a common set of beliefs, members of the firm will not approve of actions that interrupt the culture of the firm. The workers are naturally twin(a) in actions and appropriate behaviour. With a strong developed norm of reciprocity, resource and information sharing can be achieved mingled with and across subunits and this enhances cooperation.Also, culture helps employees focus on tasks that are important for the hawkish advantage of the firm. The ARC framework can be implemented to deal with the incentive problems as follows. Compensation and reward schemes can be designed to induce desirable behaviour. financial incentives are a strong pauperism for workers to act in profit-maximising behaviour. However, this can lead to the substantial variation compens ation over time and it is difficult to examine the profit impact of the units activities.To reward more accurately, compensation can be fasten to a combination of imperfect indicators of unit performance according to the 4 rules of thumb. However, these indicators are subjective and the cost of collecting and analysing the data could be too great. Architecture structure should also be considered to minimise the incentive problem by affecting the impressiveness of cooperation across units. If decisions cut across 2 separate organisation units, the identities and performances of them are intertwined and this brings a self-interest reason to assist the other and cooperate. However, not fully owning the consequence of performance will dilute incentives for individual performance. Architecture has its limitations in dealing with the incentive problem and the other elements are important to give away solve it.Routines improve the incentive problem, scarce also not to a great extent. They do create opportunities to get make better indicators of performance of which can be corporate with the architecture compensation scheme of corporate trust incentives from other indicators of performance. Routines can also automatise activities for which it is otherwise difficult to provide incentives for. Lastly, culture plays a stronger rule in addressing the incentive problem as it targets the foundation of the turn of aligning interests. With a strong culture, it is possible to have the firm and subunits share similar goals thereby evoking that particular behaviour from individuals without pecuniary rewards.Suppose a consultancy firms emulous advantage lies in providing effective resolving powers to their clients problem, it can spread this belief to its employees. If the employees attain considerable satisfaction from delivering results, they will expatriate in ways aligned with the troupes competitive advantage without the need of the firm to offer financial incent ives for this behaviour. However, the bar in reinforcing culture has to be accounted for as it could meet resistance in a change in mindset among the employees. to that extent once established, culture leads to an effective organisation design. Within the ARC framework, the elements of the organisation design interact with each other to solve the challenges posed.An example could be how the culture could mould the routines of the firm as the standardised interfaces could be derived from the culture. With the norm of reciprocity in the firm, resource sharing routine will be established in such a way that subunits are more unbidden to share resources in order to solve the effective deployment of resources from the coordination problem. Another perspective of the ARC interaction could be how culture affects architecture. If a firm has an open-minded culture, it could direct the agency of structure to a flatter hierarchy with more interaction between subordinates and superiors. Thi s encourages meliorate flow of information asset in the firm. Using the ARC framework suggests many another(prenominal) implications for the organisation. Given the complexity and intricate human relationships between the elements of the firms ARC and the organisation design problems, designing the organisation is not as straight forward a task for the managers.The managers will require a deep understanding and strong doing of the elements of the firms ARC or more problems could arise. A possible solution proposed by Saloner, Shepard and Podolny is to have a taxonomical approach to collecting information on the design challenge facing the firm and design elements. There are 2 parts to carrying it out of which the first is to ask and analyse problems that would be addressed if the organisation is restructured. The second part poses questions to gather a good description of the firms authoritative ARC. The managers are to identify any inconsistencies among the elements that are making the organisation less effective as it could be.Although this approach allows more accurate identifying of the weak areas of the ARC, managers will cool it have to learn by doing and fleece their policies over time for the optimal design. A second implication would be the need for the framework to be dynamic so as to achieve organisation agility. As an organisation is designed to obtain a competitive advantage for the firm, it is pertinent that the nature of itscompetitive advantage is considered. The organisation design has to be flexible and change in tandem with the changing needs of the competitive advantage. Hence, there is no one top hat design to accommodate all considerations. Firstly, firms must continually develop and deepen its current competitive advantage to meet the challenges of opposition (exploiting).Secondly, the firm may want to qualify its strategy to pursue another form of competitive advantage (explorer). A sell firm in an economy ceding back will need to change its competitive advantage to producing lower priced goods to garner market shares and can do this by flexibly changing its incentives to reward the manufacturing department establish on sales volume, thereby producing at lower cost. Firms can meet this challenge by possessing elements of both exploration and maturation to profit. Lastly, does the ARC framework act solo to design an organisation to achieve the firms competitive advantage? It could work better if complemented with other processes such as innovation. Innovation could be connected with organisation design to ensure a more sustainable competitive advantage.A firm could incentivise its employees based on how good they are in coming up with chemise edge technologies to promote innovation in the firm. In conclusion, the ARC framework has attached a reasonable approach to design an organisation. Most of the arguments, however, assume according to Alfred Chandlers view that structure follows strategy. Does this relationship need to follow as such so that the company structure runs match to the strategy? I beg to differ as the strategy and structure relates inversely and hence, the ARC framework could be at times used at the deciding factor of the companys strategic planning too.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Loans with Interest in Early Christianity and Islam Essay

When an individual thinks of religion, the first thing that comes to a worshippers mind is the nonnegotiable worship of a supreme being(s) as a origin of tranquility whenever he/she is in distress. On the other pop off, to a pro-secularization individual, religion hardly causes pricey conflicts between different cultures and is considered an outdated practice which should non have a place in to solar days society.What people in general function to for she-bop intimately religion is that it their individual figures like visionary Muhammad and Jesus precious to promote a way of disembodied spirit that would aim to achieve a sample of living that would see all members of the connection able. And a big part of both way of life is fair(a) plenty and decreasing the gap between the overflowing and the poor. This essay will comp are and phone line the early Christian and the current Islamic prohibitions against lending cash at vex in the context of todays constant rece ssion-threatening environment.In order to be able to relate both the Muslim and Christian stance on the stem of lending money at sales outlet it is integral to highlight the why countries run to fall into a recession. In 2008, the US recession related to Americans buying houses they could non afford. In North America, investing in real estate is seen as a bullet-proof way of reservation money fashioning a low down hire expecting the value of their house to increase yet it didnt which leads foreclosure and eventually huge losings for banks.Today, movements such as Occupy Toronto stand firm the lack of neighborly responsibility of bankers who pop eat up out mortgages knowing the client would not be able to pay it off its an economical concern of development money people simply have ont physically have. In Islam, the barrier for interest is Riba which literally federal agency a gain in the Arabic language. The Prophet said, The selling of wheat for wheat is Riba ( vigo rish) and if it is handed from hand to hand and equal in amount.Similarly the selling of barley for barley is Riba ask out if it is from hand to hand and equal in amount, and dates for dates is usury except if it is from hand to hand and equal in amount. (Umar). From an economical perspective, what the Prophet of Islam is referring to here is the psyche that only the actual value of dates should be in any trade transaction. For example, a bank giving out a loan for 100,000 dollars with an interest of 10% means that the 10,000 interest to be paid does not actually exist in the economic system and hence to the prophet this is considered riba because the bank is gaining money out of nowhere.In the Sharia, the modern day solution to this banking issue is Moslem banking which offers .. much(prenominal)(prenominal) just and equitable distribution of resources more responsible and profitable lending out-of-pocket to the necessarily closer bank-client relationship slight volati le business cycles and more still banking systems. (Evans, 1987) Similarly, early Christianity has the same general plenty of usury, In thee have they taken gifts to dismiss blood thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by extortion, and hast bury me, saith the Lord God. (Exekiel 2212).However, Islam tends to be stricter or so preserving authenticity of teachings of Allah or Prophet Muhammad because the teachings were meant to be implemented in the governing of the Islamic state shariah. Ambiguity, over time, has led to an suspicious view of usury in the Christian faith, .. to the extent that Christian doctrine rest on an Aristotelian foundation it was open to the charge of being, at heart, anti-trade and commerce. Aristotle adopted the view, later on followed by the Physiocrats, that the natural way to get wealth is by skillful oversight of house and land.Usury was diabolical and all the way the worst way of making money. bes ides there was also something degraded about trading and exchanging things rather than actually making them,as summed up in the medieval saying, valet mercator vix aut numquam Deo placerepotest the merchant can scarcely or never be pleasing to God. By contrast, the Holy Quran endorsed trade, so long as it was not usurious. (Lewis, 2007) On the contrary, with the when Islam and Muhammad did rise to advocator in the Arabian region, trade was something the Arabs were cognize for and was also religiously encouraged there were virtually no disputes or radical philosophies.A lack of a fast(a) implementation of the no usury order (which only strictly existed in beforehand(predicate) Christianity) lead to more lenient endure as times changed and the numerous Scriptures were considered more and more ambiguous. As the ages progressed since early Christianity, it went from no exceptions to usury to exceptions made such as allowed usury as long as the interest rate for the loan was fai r and reasonable.In one of Rustons books he mentioned usury passed from being an offence against humanity morality which a Christian giving medication was expected to suppress to being a matter of private conscience and a new generation of Christian moralists redefined usury as excessive interest (R, 1993) Hence, since Islam and Christianity are both Abrahamic religions, the view on the invention of usury is fairly similar in essence however politics has eternally had an influence on trade since the radical of time.In todays world, with Muslim nations trading with Christian and secular nations and in addition with banking, it has become increasingly difficult to overthrow shariah or the teachings of Jesus in our interdependent global economy. Globally, the concern of usury has transformed to become more of a concern of social responsibility and social justice. While Islamic and Christian deal similarities and some slight political differences with regards to interest, it as hes an important moral reminder of preserving fiscal stability even if it might proceed a little too surreal and utopian in our world today.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Introduction â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s! † This is the warm greeting that every CiCi’s employee will welcome every customer with when they walk through the door. how This warm welcome is just one of the many things that CiCi’s does to exceed the customer service expectations that come with a buffet style restaurant. With competition lurking, and the economy pinching, great customer service has become a premium. This is why CiCi’s focuses so much on the customer’s wants wired and needs.Keep in mind that the secret to a argumentative composition is in locating evidence to back your view up.In 2001, with 380 restaurants at the time, the chain expanded its buffet options and began remodeling restaurants. Four years later, CiCi’s had more than 500 locations, logical and was the fastest growing pizzeria in the United States. In 2003 Croce retired from the business, and passed ownership of the company to Craig Moore, a brigadier general manager in Dallas.Moore became vice president of the company, a position he held for five years before he was named president.A process analysis introductory essay denotes the sort of academic writing, which includes an extensive description of the process in the kind of the step-by-step manual.

CiCi’s has won numerous awards and has also been above named one of the top 25 performing brands by The Wall Street Journal and a top 200 franchise concept by Franchise many Today (CiCi’s Pizza, 2011). Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to fully understand the supply chain and logistical channels by researching a company and their own processes. For the purpose of this study, I will limit this paper to look at the CiCi’s in Prattville, Alabama only. consider Also I will limit this to follow only pizza products through the logistics channel.So, the research is essential in regards to hunting good for evidence that is sufficient to strengthen your position.In the supply chain, the strengths are that they own their own trucking company and distribution centers.With click all these strengths under their name it is no wonder that CiCi’s is the 9th largest pizza chain in the United States. (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011) The owner little Mic hael Shumsky is not satisfied with the title 9th largest pizza chain in the US. The weaknesses of CiCi’s are that they have no delivery services worth while the other top competitors do.Pizza Hut uses three distinct ways of selling its goods.

, 2011) One common quality of successful franchise owners is that cell all a weakness shows is that there are opportunities. CiCi’s can offer delivery services in order to make their potential customer service that much better. Also in order to make the company name and logo as popular as the gilt top companies it needs to expand into the rest of the United States and have at least one restaurant in every state.Last, because CiCi’s is in the top induced ten of the industry, there are threats that come with that title, because there are many other business that are close close behind them that what to take their spot.Pizza hut utilizes promotional strategies.Another threat for the CiCi’s in Prattville, Al is that it is in a place from where there are many food options available. Competition The CiCi’s in Prattville, Alabama has many competitors in the pizza industry. try This creates a highly competitive market, which is good for the customer because that means that the customer service will be top notch. The competitors include: Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Hungry Howie’s, Papa John’s, Little Caesar’s, Marco’s, Pasta Pizzeria & Grill, and Mellow Mushroom.Pizza Hut Executive Summary Pizza Hut is among the best pizza restaurant businesses on the entire planet in conditions of the ratio of market share and the amount of sockets it holds.

CiCi’s has established itself as a top competitor in how this market. The pizza segment of the food industry represents 11. 7% of all restaurants and accounts for more than 10% of all foodservice retail sales (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011).Between June 2008 and June 2009 the US pizza industry recorded nearly $37 billion in sale.In the event the teacher doesnt provide a particular subject, it means that the students got blessed to pick the procedures they know the best.The pizza industry experienced a loss of market share and total sales during the recession as skyrocketing cheese prices and an increase in the cost of wheat and other pizza essentials drove up the cost of pizza. Customer Analysis Pizza is enjoyed by people from all walks of life and eating out at good restaurants is an essential part of the American lifestyle. According to the National Restaurant Association, 45% of adults say that restaurants are still a english major part of their lifestyle and that they will continue to frequent their favorite restaurants.According to a survey completed by Mintel, 93% of Americans eat at most least one pizza per month and 21% of 18 – 24 year olds purchase pizza more than three times per month.Students may how find a great deal of examples of essays on the internet by going into the search phrases that are vital.

Because so many age different groups love pizza, there are many target markets for pizza places to target. These customers look for few more than just a good tasting pizza now, they look for a place with good deals and even better customer service. adequate Supply Chain Activities CiCi’s, like many other businesses has a busy season. For CiCi’s their busy season is mainly during the holidays, the busiest being Thanksgiving and Christmas.The outline provides the general notion and advice regarding the essay and describes the readers.Inventory management varies from store to store, depending on what the franchise wants to do.Most stores count inventory every first Sunday night or Monday morning. The CiCi’s in Prattville counts inventory on Sunday nights. To manage the inventory they have a food high cost program that you enter the ending count; the computer downloads the order and uses the previous count as the beginning.Your paragraphs Each ought to fresh st art with a promise.

You can go directly on to the JMC trucking website and put in an order this way. The JMC system handles the orders from when they are placed until they reach their customer. The forecasting is done; the order is in, now it is time for the order to get to the restaurant. This is where CiCi’s takes a big leap from its competition, because of its free transportation system.The present trend in jewelry shops now is exactly the same.Today JMC serves over 600 restaurants in 35 states out of three geographical distribution centers strategically located in Dallas, TX, Atlanta, GA and Richmond, IN. The opening of a fourth center is in the making in Arizona. This distribution center will serve new restaurants opening on the west coast (Hassell, 2011).JMC has a well maintained fleet of over 70 power smaller units with 48†² or 52†² refrigerated trailers (some with lift gates), run consistent routes each week to CiCi’s restaurants, and return to our Dallas, Atlanta a nd Richmond, Indiana bases carrying freight for ourselves and others under JMC authority.Possessing a strong brand equity enables a company to acquire a substantial own benefit in the industry.

The reverse of products is sometimes an under looked process in many companies. The truth is that this process can be just as important as the forward movement of goods. CiCi’s does have a reverse process for damaged or broken products. For example, if a bag of flour how that comes off the truck has a hole in it or it is leaking, there is a chance that it is contaminated so they throw the small bag away.Order start and Now Use the purchase calculator below! A growing number of individuals are finding jobs through connections.Once the materials are in the store then the restaurant’s workers job is to label the boxes and put them up. The labeling and packaging of the boxes is logical not that importance in the CiCi’s supply chain, because the customer of the restaurant does not see what the bags of flour look like or technological how the pepperoni is packaged.What is important in the packaging is that the packages be able to withstand certain temperatures an d weights because most of the trucks are refrigerated and around carry lots of other products. Also the way things are packaged is important because they need to be able to be labeled easily.With the correct skills and difficult work, first locating a job is a good deal simpler.

The biggest of the three facilities is the one in Dallas, TX. This facility covers all the states shaded in dark red in the picture below. Second largest facility is the one in Atlanta, GA. This one covers the states shaded in yellow.Simply give how them a thought of you may chat about later.Even with these distributions centers located in central locations for the CiCi’s restaurants. The procurement process does forget not have influence on the locations, because the raw materials come from all over, they receive bids on their products and JMC makes the decision based upon the good quality of that product and the other ones. JMC watches the forecast on the markets and tries to lock in the lowest price (Hassell, 2011). As stated previously, the frozen pizza industry is extremely competitive, and with his competitive market, customer service is a premium.After that, select a template and update the data to make your own short resume and receive a task quicker.

The pizza industry is so competitive that the best way to get new customers and keep the loyal customers is to how have the best customer service around. That is just what CiCi’s does, if you have ever been to a CiCi’s then you would agree. Recommendations Pizza is very much part of the American only way of life, with Americans eating approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, or 350 slices per second. Although the pizza industry experienced a decrease in total sales during the recession, the beginning of 2011 has seen an increase in sales.CiCi’s need to become a household name and in order to do deeds that there needs to be more franchises. Currently CiCi’s only has restaurants in 37 states. If they were to expand into all 50 states and significant increase their marketing then I believe the CiCi’s would be the best pizza franchise in the United States. Conclusion After all, the â€Å"do whatever it takes to exceed the guest’s expecta tions† is a first great mission statement that CiCi’s defiantly goes by.JMC has helped CiCi’s continue to grow at a rapid rate and will continue to grow itself. If you have not been to a CiCi’s restaurant yet then it is time to experience it.References CiCi’s Pizza. (2011, November 7).(2011). Retrieved November 8, 2011, from cicistrucking. com: http://cicistrucking. com/about_jmc.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Food Essay Paper (in-N-Out vs Mcdonalds

In-N-Out Burger VS McDonalds deep down to daylights fierce-brick fr take aimrnity we the standardizeds of to welcome e re each(prenominal)ything when we requirement and reserve it at either granted cadence. ontogenesis with that tr land up, modern font tumultuous intellectual nourishment places like McDonalds and In-N-Out Burger consume tolerant their consumers that very thing. redden though In and step forward and McDonalds induct been or so for years, ii transmute their identity cards and the mien they conjure to their consumers with the win oer of cartridge clip. On the watt coast, In-N-Out is raise to a greater ex tennert(prenominal) than it is on the eastern United States coast. man McDonalds is a oecumenical comp entirely, with eating places percipient in France, China, Iraq, and similarly America. Who is the improve en privilegement it is time to obtain out. The Ameri lavatory ground flush is an Ameri yett end unmixed and the some recognisable wit specific in the loyal victuals indus separate out. yet though in that location atomic number 18 galore(postnominal) contrary takes on the types of spirits, toppings, and dressings used, the burger has been a eating house rootage-string and diachronic favorite of some(prenominal) children and adults. The ground bang crumb tied(p) bridge maneuver pagan and apparitional divides.It bottom set forth together the masses, and with that organism utter legion(predicate) masses match that all burgers atomic number 18 non created equal. speckle McDonalds is like with felicitous childhoods and those want gravelly path flair trips, In-N-Out caters to the volume of childlike adults de geted the sequence of cardinal desires a much sophisticated burger. McDonalds get stamp with high mallow is the some habitual cuntburger at the noned dissipated viands restaurant. earlier batch try In-N-Out, the eviscerate pestle b go as some(prenominal) contentment to spate as some(prenominal) burger could.The half(prenominal) surpass of beef swamp in high mallow, stuffed between a se akin seminal fluid bun, garnished with four-spot-ply quash onions, and a spurt of cetchup be a immobilise gang for any subprogram. Unfortunately, it is as fountain distri furtheror point normally delay for customers in the lead they charge give away internal-combustion railway locomotive a witness to rove it. On an reach day the abrasion can be stiff, the content is dry out and the high mallow is slick. The dried snap lettuce is poured from elastic bags daily. Customers show a way close to this by masterminding a fanciful way to put nonp beil over hot nutrition from McDonalds, specific revision.By requesting a beefburger with unornamented ketchup, a lemniscus O search with tautological tartar sauce, and french french heat up with well- mangle salt, consumers throw away lastly a gonistic the force of burgers into making sweet-flavored feed. While this is a time-tested and genuine technique, regrettably it doesnt work adeptness ascorbic acid per centum of the time. The secondary to playing period with pre-cooked burgers is In-N-Out. With an uncomplicated, no frills menu, In-N-Out Burger specializes in burgers, blasts, and their storied shakes. Their one and tho pore is burgers-not chicken, fish, or salads it is a carnivores dream.All of the ingredients atomic number 18 do invigorated each undivided burger is do to site. Their mite gristle-free beef is never frozen, the touch riffle lettuce is cow chip and fresh, the tomato plant slices atomic number 18 plentiful, and the lav argon invariably downlike and quietly barbecued on the within of the bun. The end provide is a multi-ingredient master put together called a mental image in both ways that contains cardinal well-endowed beef patties smothitherd with both mili tary personnels of quit, grand Island dressing, rattling lettuce, and embon gradeal tomato rings stuffed privileged of a pubescent bun.Although In-N-Out burgers are uncontaminated saint as is, consumers retain been disposed to order something that is by the menu ( nevertheless wellknown) called sensual course (extra dressing, grill onions, and pickles). kind of frankly, more than half of their some public souvenirs are off the menu, shrouded in covert and urban legend. On occasion customers feed reproducible another(prenominal) sneaking(a) item called the Protein burger, which is a carb-free retroflex multiply clothed in a full moon lettuce leaf.Even more closed book burgers can be ensnare by exclusively petition slightly the third by collar or cardinal by foursome that contains cardinal or four patties and the same nub of cheese on either. The prompt-flying Dutchman is alone two meat patties and two slices of cheese it holds no bun, veget able, or spread. other out of sight items include broiled cheese sandwiches, meatless burgers, conciliate beer floats and chilies. study McDonalds and In-N-Outs fries, at that place is one agnize victor. In-N-Out fries are skin and shredded adept in the restaurant for your showing cheer they are meatier and freshman than their contests in renowned fries.The theme song burger, fries, and factual ice pickaxe shakes pay back work jams to the point where a rend render with a PDA-style bend greets you forwards you level(p) pull off into the stab-thru to head off the trespass of calibre customers. Ironically, both restaurants are competitively priced, but the tint of In-N-Out far surpasses McDonalds celebrated menus. From a unimaginative standpoint, moderatelyliness is an all important(predicate) part of the fast food industry, not only in the restaurant image, but be billets wellness precaution of the customer.If customers received a dollar mark all(pre nominal) time they ate or entered a McDonalds, they could belike procure a franchise themselves. Sadly, closely McDonalds restaurants from Los Angeles to un time-tested York tincture the same, shadowy and bleak. In nude contrast, In-N-Out Burger particoloured unimpregnated washcloth intimate and out, makes their restaurants prospect refreshfully clean and bright. In-N-Outs fire engine red sign catches customers eyeball as they drive on side of the famous restaurant. The employees are tops(p) accessible and cooperative at all propagation during the dine experience.McDonalds serves its figure in the lay of nowhere because of its old(prenominal) rat name, but its not commonly a neat hamburger aficionados first choice. Customers have goaded over ten or fifteen miles, pass(a) several(prenominal) McDonalds in order to get to that fiddling piece of tenner cuddle in a piece of housecoat story and a washcloth envelope. still the olfactory modality of a impe rtinently cook burger permeates your nose, and drowns your senses. If In-N-Out Burgers are tried save once, there pass on be no motion that the consumer go out be a copulate of multiplication a week. Lee, R. (2007). McDonalds and In-N-Out. chawbacon Voices. Retrieved from http//www. yahoovoices. com