Saturday, August 10, 2019

Religious Traditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Religious Traditions - Essay Example The concept of ‘Divine’ is found in all religions irrespective of whether it represents the sacred or self. They differ in how they conceive their relationship with Divine. Some recommend medication while others believe in individual communication with God. The early Quakers, for example, believed that they can commune with God without any intermediary like a priest as they say that Christ came to the world Himself and therefore each person can experience and respond to the divine and allow the action of the spirit. They consider ‘prayer’ as a means to enter a relationship with beyond. Though they do not have a strict embodiment of the divine and some of them may not even accept a personified divine, they might be in awe of the universe or identify themselves with someone in great hardship or relish the laughter of a baby and these actions are interpreted as their efforts to connect with the beyond. What they look for is the wisdom, guidance, and inspiration of the spirit or divine within and without (McBee, 2010).Hinduism has many Gods and Goddesses who are timeless and are unrestricted by space. â€Å"The divine is not only beyond gender and name, but also beyond number, has resulted in its manifestation in many shapes and forms† (Cline, 2010). Despite the numerous gods personified in the religion, the divine is the omnipresent universal soul. This can be found in all the natural elements. The followers are considered devotees and worship their favorite deity in a holy shrine or in a temple with or without the help of a priest.

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